Tuesday, December 29, 2009








Thursday, December 3, 2009


穷途末路 感情的暴风
突然出现 握紧电话听筒
Don't stop 要冷静 心里还有何愿望? Say goodbye
不能这样深陷其中 我不想失去你 my on mind
就让这一切联结到 心的深底
I need you baby 大声疾呼
Every night 虽然疑问不断折磨着我
我清清楚楚地听到 love forever and only one
你的声音在说 just next stage resume and "Revive"
必须马上展翅离开 我不想失去你 my on mind
在何处 far away
Do you mind if I open the door? 大声疾呼
Every night 对抗不安的心
我清清楚楚地听到 love forever and only one
你的声音在说 just next stage resume and "Revive"

Friday, November 27, 2009

nothing special

Somehow, I hate this hell long holiday a bit.

Today, which don't know why, I felt boring just now, although did part of the spring cleaning, not really tired. Start to think of something to do. Until I get notes to study, if not, I will boring to "death".

这几天,在测试及挑战自己的感觉. Felt like finding people to talk to but don't know who shall I find. I know whom I want to talk to but just suddenly cancel my action after I decided to do so. What's wrong with me?

Stuffs and thoughts I thought I miss and care about, lastly is not worked, because I 犹豫了.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Uso (Lie)- Sid

This song is the first ending theme of Fullmetal Alchemist season 2. Enjoy the video and lyrics shown below.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Rplvp2Dso ( right click this address )

Uso-Sid (chinese subtitle)

呐 你还记得吗
桌上不再震动的通知音 我一直在等待
无论空白的夜晚 还是不再到来的黎明
呐 终有一天还会忆起

Uso- Sid (English version)

The sky we saw that day, the crimson sky; do you remember?

We made a promise, wrapped in the early summer breeze; the two of us huddled close

Stretching shadows hide behind that excessive smile
So I choose to replay that imperceptible pretense

I keep waiting for the unshakeable notice on the table
The empty night, the morning that won't come; it all became clear

The sky we saw that day, the crimson sky; have you forgotten?
The promise is broken, vanished into the early summer wind;
the two of us can't go back to the way we were

In this room where sound, colour and warmth are all halved
Still scattered today, trembling, exhausted, I fall asleep

"Deceive me skillfully; I love you because I hate lies", those were your words
Now, these feelings are overwhelmingly painful, so it's goodbye for us

Saying that we'll meet again someday, we waved to each other,
but it seems we won't see each other again
That final lie was a kind one; I won't forget

The sky we saw that day, the crimson sky; will you remember someday?
Embracing a promise that could not be fulfilled, the two of us set out


Hologram by NICO touches the walls is the second opening song of Fullmetal Alchemist season 2.

Hologram (chinese subtitle)

一日一换的地图 浸透了多少个梦想
淡淡的残像 铭刻在眼中

Hologram (English version)

Invited by a pure white scenery now,
Ill go to a world that I still havent seen

As a lost child, I journeyed
Under the slate-gray sky.
Many dreams blotted through the map that changes daily.

Even with my strides as I am tiny -
I wonder if I can get to the other side of those clouds.

The direct light intersects itself,
And without even announcing my destination,
I pierce through everywhere.
The faint afterimage is burnt into my eyes-
Under this sky,
No matter where I am,
I should be able to reach
The world that I still havent seen.

Unknowingly embedded in a black and white sticker -
What is important is that we had hidden.
Light from the stars from the beautiful flowers from stones of the treasure
dream of the noise and the hologram.

Scenes depicting one day against the odd man out
fly like a bubble through the loneliness and frustration.

The road is straight,
and would be stronger than now.
Now been invited to a pure white scenery,
I’ll go to a world that I still haven’t seen.

The light color of the rainbow in the sky is where
a distant voice calls me, shivering every time in the shadow of tomorrow.

The straight, scattered light
pours all at a time in the afternoon after the rain.
Now mix the infinite gradations of
this all under the sky.
We will make sure we will arrive in this world.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

past tense

You already are past tense for me...
I live better without you...
It's alright,
It's ok.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


This song is one of the theme songs of the newer version of Fullmetal Alchemist. This is some sort the chinese subtitle of the theme song. Enjoy...


梦的延续 本应继续追寻
蜿蜒小道上 人却绊住脚步
多想大声呐喊 能听见吗

Thursday, November 5, 2009

lyrics-Open up your mind

Even when it seems that nothing can go right
and you want to just give up,
if you close your eyes,
you can see the world from your heart.

In this world when life can be so tough
You must be strong
Just believe in yourself and don't you fear
So open up your mind and close your eyes
Take another look from the other side

Even on a lonely night, when you wander afraid,
you may be alone now, but
your feet can take you however far you want to go, so

Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
look inside yourself, there's a shining light there.
Yes, I want you to believe in everything,
You can take another look from the other side.

Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, if you have the strength to live,
You can take another look from the other side,
until you find all that is love

I wish for you to have the strength
to make it through this world,
so open up your mind,
and you'll be able to see...
until you find all that is love...

Just remember you are not alone
So don't you fear
Even though you're miles away
I'm by your side
So open up your mind and close your eyes
I'll be there for you no matter where you are

The stars may live for a long time, but that doesn't mean
that the same days will repeat over and over forever.
Noone can see into tomorrow.

Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
look inside yourself, you'll feel a heartbeat.
Yes, I want you to believe in the future.
You can take another look from the other side.

Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, there's another world out there.
You can take another look from the other side,
and you'll be able to find all that is love...

Just hold on tight, because if you close your eyes,
look inside yourself, you'll feel a heartbeat.
Yes, I want you to believe in the "future."
You can take another look from the other side

Just hold on tight, even if your heart is breaking.
Reach into your soul, even if you can't see tomorrow.
Yes, there's another world out there.
You can take another look from the other side,
until you find all that is love...

Saturday, October 31, 2009

one month

One month just passed as holiday. Another 2 months for holiday. Gonna be jobless starting from next Thursday. Zzz...

What has happened in this one month? Besides 处理 my dilemma. I thought I really let it go totally, but seriously haven't really totally. Still a little bit and it really bothers me sometimes. Time heals, so I just wait the time to bring my dilemma away and also I will give on effort to myself to let go of it. I want to be FREE from this.
I also waited for results. Finally I got it, informed by my friend through handset when I was still at school. I was so nervous that time. Luckily I had no more classes after I received the call. If not, I really scared I can't pay attention in teaching. Overall, still ok, although not what I wanted, results was still ok, not dropped to the very unexpected.

Teaching again...sometimes very free, sometimes very busy. Sometimes, I scolded every time I entered class. Of course I don't wish to scold, but then those students really 欠骂...won't be having breathing difficulty after long time scolding because I used 丹田气...haha. The weird thing is my voice turned a little bit low even though I haven't start to work as teacher in the holiday. What's wrong ya? However, with this lower voice, I can scold and talk louder, shout also louder and 有力...hehe. Can create greater effect for shutting the student's mouth and make the class quiet.

Am I looking forward for the days being jobless or wanna continue working? I have plans in the holiday, although not occupied, I need time to rest too...so most probably won't continue work.
Waiting forward for days later...for rest, relax, plans, anything...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

is torturing

Is hard to set a title. I stared at the screen for so long just for a title. Well, straight to the point.

我告诉自己,这三个月假期,可用来整理我的整体思绪,那感觉,考试所带来的压力(以致带来上星期一的病,虽然只是一个晚上,但那病比我在外求学时的病来得更严重; 不说这个了)

我有点relieved的感觉因为假期到了,我有机会可以整理整体的思绪,告诉自己,不再让自己被这种感觉折磨,不再让自己对一个人那么好,不再让自己陷入这种矛盾,再也不要了. Recalling, 偏偏那个时候它太靠近我的年终考试,我还在过渡期, 我好辛苦才让自己真正专心,我不晓得这次的成绩会否因为那来的不是时候的感觉所影响,我知道不会,但还是会有少许的,多多少少, 只希望不会太糟. I did my very best without letting myself screwed in that contradictory so much. I really studied very hard for the exam.

Unfortunately, in the holiday, 真的有点折磨,因为我竟然不敢与他交谈,即使是平时我们会crap all the time, now I even don't know how to start a crap conversation. Start a simple conversation like, "hi", "how are you", seems so hard too... 我想他真的不知道这件事,但...我竟然不知道或忘记了自己是如何与他开始谈天的. When almost getting to sleep, 满脑子都是你. Oh crap! 那时的我是怎么了? 我是惯了那种交谈方式就因为那感觉? 我惯了,感觉不在了,连一个如何与他交谈的方式的回忆都不留? 我想我还是慢慢适应吧, in holiday, is really nothing much to crap about. Oh ya, is true, screw me, I really think too much. 告诉自己我只是想太多. Haiz, I think I really think too much, this hell long holiday really sucks, making room for me to think too much, TOO MUCH of craps. I should have put everything down. 啊......!!! 很烦啊,我是不是自找烦恼?

You know what, I won't let this torture me anymore, I will let it off! Trust me, tomorrow will be better. Just assume that I am a coward that 我以为你知道,其实我知道你根本不会知道我在想什么, 自己心理作祟!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

a meaningful day

Well, Monday night was a bad day for me. Damn that day!!! However, I was fine on Tuesday, and totally fine on Wednesday onwards.

On Wednesday, I met up with my friend, Kuan ( in English, I prefer to call her that way ), Well, she is older than me, so, I consider her as my sister. She taught me, no, not to say teach, is inspired me in many ways. I do appreciate her that she always care about me as her friend. I do also care about her.

Actually no one (I mean my friends that know me) actually realized my relationship with my mother (with my family will be a better answer, but with mother is the worst) is bad except her. Don't care how she realized, because I also don't know and I myself don't want to accept the truth that my relationship with my mother is actually not that good until she seriously tell me when we had that conversation on Wednesday. That time, we became colleagues and good friends in that not big and not really small office, so maybe she took that opportunity to understand me. I appreciated that and I certainly won't blame her why she cares too much. I WON'T!

She shared a lot of things with me and she did inspired me and made me realized many things. She has confidence on me that I can do better to fix the relationship with my mother if I can step out one pace (踏出第一步), since I can't change my mother, then maybe I can change myself to influence my mother. Well, I actually don't really understand why she has so great confidence on me while I myself don't have such confidence in myself. By the way, she told me that, she knows my attitude, she knows I am not a person that will give up easily. Oh ya? I hope I am. Let say it is. Since she has confidence on me, then shall I give up without having a try? I think I will let her disappointed if I do so. Agree?

Ok...I just need time...ya, time, I just need that.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


During this exam week, of course, I am busy with my notes, books, no time for me to think other thing else.
就在我真正放下后,有一天,睡觉时,竟然梦见我向他表白,而他竟然接受! 我们还在一起. 当时就快要天亮了,当场被吓醒. 睡不下去了. That's ridiculous! 害到我的心不能定下来整整半天,读书读了整半天,没什么进脑. 我是真的放下了,为何会这样呢?


从我开始对他有感觉时,都不想对他说,不想让他知道,也不能让他知道,为何就是要有这场梦呢? 真讨厌!!! 讨厌的是我会有那样的反应(我的心不能定下来整整半天). 这意味着什么? 有谁可以告诉我?


Saturday, September 5, 2009


说真,不知何时开始有的感觉,一直到现在的death phase. 从不肯定到肯定,从“拿起”到放下,那种日子真的很难过但也有开心的,因为看见及感觉到他珍惜自己所付出的,感到高兴. 不曾想让他知道那个付出是只是为了他的,因为我就是不想让他知道. 过程我知道我在做些什么,为了谁,值不值得,那些问题留给我自己就好了.然而现在已放下了,不再想了,才能收拾心情,轻松地过接下来的日子.

那过渡期真的好不容易地度过. 然而我已度过了.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hope nothing much will happen. -->touch-wood (of course hoping nothing will happen la) ==

过渡期啊,你不好折磨我哦...hope my EQ is 坚定 enough. Friends, thanks for listen to me. I sure can overcome it, as I decided to let it go.

All the best to myself...!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

my feeling in some days

I got this lyrics somewhere, it suits my feeling that arised and resolved few days ago.

The dream is taking me higher

The moon is taking me higher

Take a moment to gaze at you now
And you're looking so lovely in the moonlight tonight
Hearing you in the radio
Seeing you everywhere and in my heart

It's the right time tonight
I can feel it understand
It is the right time tonight for love
Time to get it right for me

My heart is dancing so good
I keep on dreaming of you
The dream is taking me higher this is true
My world's alive 'cause I'm dreaming of you
Everything's shining

My heart is dancing around
I keep on dreamin' of you
The moon is taking me higher this is true
I ain't no blue 'cause I'm dreaming of you
Everything's feeling good!

Nothing ever is taking me down
'Cos as far as I'm happy I'm together with you
You will help me to change my life
Showing me where you are in my heart

It's the right time tonight
I can feel it understand
It is the right time tonight for love
Time to get it right for me

My heart is dancing so good
I keep on dreaming of you
The dream is taking me higher this is true
My world's alive 'cause I'm dreaming of you
Everything's shining

My heart is dancing around
I keep on dreamin' of you
The moon is taking me higher this is true
I ain't no blue 'cause I'm dreaming of you
Everything's feeling good!

Thursday, August 27, 2009




但我已选择放下,我不想到最后朋友都没得做,到最后若那个人真的知道了,大家会很辛苦. 那我宁愿他永远都不知道. 在我还没肯定那是不是那种感觉之前,我觉得自己有必要抽身,至少我知道长痛不如短痛. 在分析那种感觉的那几天,日子总觉得非常的难过,我毅然做了这个决定,无论是不是这种感觉(就算是),我也没力气与自己的想法纠缠下去. 就当作我懦弱吧,就是因为那份不肯定,不懂是不是,弄得我的日子这么难过,这么狼狈的那几天. 也就在我分析的那几天,我还需要面对他,唉,自己就是这么犯贱,我选择帮他做一些事情. 就算是为了他吧,我愿意...让我自己的心情好过一点. 犯贱到...



Monday, August 24, 2009




希望那不是真的. 我不是说笑...

By the way, people, 别想歪...Haha...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

好感?喜欢?or 什么都不是?

You can consider this as creation or my feeling. Guess la...

喜欢=开始会想念他了,寂寞及无聊时,很想和他聊,你会关心他,任他做什么事(usually that will make me angry if others do so), 任他撒娇也没关系...this is what I quoted from my friend's blog and I modified some. This is how I felt recently.

然而,因为某些事,把我给“惹恼”了,我竟然因为他的一些举动和言语而哭了, 我必须让他知道我其实在想什么. 当然他不知道我竟然哭了...

我常很想见到他,很想关心他,很想鼓励他,很想帮他,尤其拾回信心. 因为我很可能不会再见到他了. 那漫长的假期,我好怕会很难过...
我任他撒娇(although I don't 吃这一套--> for most of the people), 任他问无聊的问题. 我想尽我所能去安慰他(I am not good in consoling people, but only a good listener).



Friday, August 21, 2009




Thursday, August 13, 2009


对于一些人,我是被惦念的, 被人注重的,
自从那个时候,就被 isolated,
在这里, it won't be have equilibrium, 那冷的一面不会只待在那里...
它向往自由,不只是在那小小的communication 空间

(What am I talking?)

我虽然是外冷, 但在对的时候,是不会少了我的支持及聆听...



Saturday, August 1, 2009





Sunday, July 12, 2009

some nice words

The Moment you are in Tension
You will lose your
Then you are in total
And you will feel
Then you will spoil personal
Ultimately, you won't get
Co – Operation
Then you will make things
Then your blood pressure may raise
And you may have to take
Instead, understand the
And try to think about the
Many problems will be solved by
This will work out better in your
Don't think it's my free
It's only for your
If you understand my
You will never come again to
- Bill Gates

Monday, July 6, 2009


From now onwards,

A real challenge will be coming,
a real burden strikes my back,
hope that I can withstand,
hope that it can strengthen my patience,
build up more strength in me.

I need more strength...
I will have more strength!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I found this song is quite suit my condition recently. Just to dedicate to anyone.

Translation of lyrics: Doubt and Trust

Without sight of the end, I run on
Towards the shapeless peace in the distance

A glimpse confines me and leaves me in loneliness

The sky greets those who fly
I don’t fear being controlled

The dazzling brightness that I aspire for
is to change everything

I cannot forgive anyone, where can I go?

Out of the light
Is born the darkest shadow
As lies obscure the truth
Deception pierces our souls
We may never break through this endless night
But that tiny, selfish dream remains that we'll see another morning

If we can just accept our sins, and the pain they bring

A voice whispers, “I want everything”

Without catching up to the things that I’m losing

My fingers that yearn for the rest don’t notice the coldness

If you left behind love, then it stayed on my lips

Only light gives birth to darkness
Warmth accumulates doubt and make its way to my thoughts
That which I vowed in my chest that crossed with yours
Doesn’t mind the eternal scar and carves into me

Before it disappears in the crevice that time constructs

Out of the light
Is born the darkest shadow
As lies obscure the truth
Deception pierces our souls
We may never break through this endless night
But that tiny, selfish dream remains that we'll see another morning

If we can just accept our sins, and the pain they bring

Saturday, June 13, 2009

feelings that shouldn't have

I am confused now...

I shouldn't have this feeling towards this person. I SHOULD NOT HAVE IT!!! I may ruin myself and the person as well. Or just I think too much,
Or I am just too helpful. 出于好心,而不是有意思...

嗯,I think I just think too much recently, because I still not really occupied with works. I wanna to be really occupied. Ok la, I just think too much...

Friday, June 12, 2009


You all can consider this as a created story or true story. Two characters here, K and Q.

Suddenly felt not really in the right sense and right feeling. K shouldn't have such kind of feeling now. That kind of feeling was just irritated and make K confused. Again, after one period of time, it just come back again? K was very confused.

Went to Q's house. K was just want to test the feeling towards Q. K only realized, this feeling is not true. How relief K was... But K still scared, scared if the feeling is really true but K was just ignored own feeling that time.

K always thought to protect Q. K felt happy to do so, felt like having the responsibility. Felt like finding chance to meet Q. K can be as happy as K could be to not make Q worry. K would try to let Q express the problems faced. K helped Q as much as K could be. K is sad if can't help Q. K wanna Q felt she has the protection. But K was so scared to let Q know that kind of feeling. K also just could't let Q know.

K decided to just let it be...

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Not really in the right mood recently. My mind kept on distracted. My mind is blur literally. Don't really wanna think something. Don't really wanna do thinkings.

Get irritated and lose temper easily...
Not really smooth in some physically and chemically activities...

When is these situations gonna end?
I want to have clear and peace mind.

Hope everything will be better.

Friday, June 5, 2009

my thoughts

After I got my Year 1 Semester 2 final result, I was happy because I have improved compared to first semester's.
The most disappointed thing is, I don't know this consider disappointed or sad or else, I knew I couldn't finish the paper that day, I have realized what would be happened to my results. That moment, I just hope I won't get a C for chemistry. My hard work and my talent is going to be considered as wastage if I got a C. I knew I studied hard, I should deserved better even though I couldn't finish the paper. I was totally disappointed because I know I could't get an A for chemistry on that day after times up. So sad that time. But based on my talent and ability, I shall get a B. A B- to me, is quite hurt. Maybe I am just not really hardworking enough. I can just think like that to let myself feel not so guilty and continue to disappointed.

Now, no more chemistry-based subjects, but related to a bit theory from chemistry. Hope I can "transform" my love to biology subjects. Let it be balanced. I must let the interests be counterbalanced. I shall do this better.

Thursday, May 28, 2009





Saturday, April 25, 2009

give me answer


Because I don't believe in anything, can be considered as free thinker ( in the sense of belief ), I won't simply believe other people, even some matter such as love, relationship, existence of somebody/something upmost there, faith...etc.

Sometimes my mind and thinking may not the same as others, so am I considered a weird person? as I always being accused so...>.< I may think things in radical way, people may say I am so irrational and 小气,斤斤计较, because I don't wish to 与自己过意不去. Of course, I won't overact. Don't worry. I won't harm you no matter how I 不爽 towards you.

Friday, April 24, 2009

no explanation for this




My semester final is coming so soon. Normally the scene before the finals coming is everyone is looking, blaming, wondering their coursework marks for every subject. Of course, I won't be the unexceptable ones la...

However, until now, I only know two out of five subjects' coursework marks.>.<. One is quite satisfactory although not the one I want if compared to others. Really feel 不爽 and I know the person's tactic in getting so high marks for assignments, as I know the person is not really good. The other one, damn it, so low!!! I really no eye see that.>.<

The most confident subject, Physical Chemistry, the most ridiculous thing is I still don't know my coursework marks, in fact, nobody knows.
Actually, I am in between of wanna know and don't want to know my coursework marks. By the way, I wish it is as what I expected and not lower than it supposed to be la...if based on my effort and talent, it can't be lower than it should be.If not, I will be in sadness and regretful-ness and the most is I will be in "heart attack". Since I can't do anything after I know it ( even though mine is not as I expected ), so no point also for knowing it so late like that, destructing my mood only.
If I know mine, sure I want to know others. ( I am a "kiasu" person ), especially those I 不爽 to. If they get higher than me, I scared I will "lost control". So, I rather don't want to know.

当然我不能说我在化学科是很强的学生。但,至少在众多我所学的科目之中,化学是我最强,最拿手的科目。我当然不希望别人比我好。原谅我这自私的想法,因为难得“有机会出头”,你当然不想别人超越你。想象着,如果你被你不爽的人及你预想不到的人超越你,你会服气吗?答案当然是不会!!! 我会更拼,废话,这是当然的,及更偏激的,我会更虚伪地对待他们,来balance回自己。要不然,会与自己过意不去。请谅解我的心情,但别误解我的用词。

Sunday, April 5, 2009

lost concentration

Recently I was so lost and blur. What am I bothering about?! I can't focus in my studies. I know I don't like particular section, am I trying to run away from that topic? Please, I need focus, please shift me back.
I don't want distraction.
I want focu

I don't have any idea why I behave like that, why I feel like that. What am I bothering? What am I considering? What am I worrying?

Tell me,
tell me,
tell me...why?!

I am back

After abandoned it for so long, lastly I come back to face my own feeling. I was too busy to face my own feelings as I was too busy recently regarding homeworks. Reports, preparation for presentations, quizzes, tests. Lastly now I can sit and think deeply what have I lost in denying my own feelings. I have lots of feelings and wanna to express it out. But because of time constraint, now only I come back.
Sorry ya, blog. abandoned you for so long. So sorry.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I am speechless for this

Today, my friend told me a big issue. A shocked ones and enough to make me feel speechless.
She told me that a friend of us told my friends in my group, ( the friend mentioned is from different group of practical, some more different tutor for different group ) that I taught the wrong thing. Their tutor said the calculation I guided them for the first experiment is wrong. She told them very loudly in blaming tone. She blamed me. I am not there that time, if not she won't dare to say so loud.

My friend, let her be S, before telling the issue, she asked me not to angry after knowing this. She said that time the friend who blamed me ( let her be M ) told this very loud. S heard. She felt very not worth for me and angry when M said so about this issue. She said she and her friends who has guided by me won't blame me for this. She said I had guided and helped them so much. If not me, they have been lost. Wah, feel touched. I feel paiseh la when she said that to me. Anyway, I am happy to know many people appreciate my help.

What can I say about this? Angry? I thought I will angry, but NO! But speechless, a terrible ones. I put in effort in searching information and tried my best in doing my best for my own report and help others if they asked to. What I get is this? I don't mind if others don't want accept the help or my points, but just please respect other people's effort. Stand in other people's shoes and think. I just feel very speechless.

I am ok now.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Best friend

I found this song is meaningful to me to express myself to my best friend. Here, I present to you.

I don't have to worry anymore, cause you will be by side when I cry
You always smile at me
I am blessed because you always shine before me
Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

These plenty happiness that I felt at this moment
All the friends that I have here, you're the best present
I am blessed because you always be by our side
Surely things that I have accomplished here, those things too give me strength (change to strength)
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
All of your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Things that we have missed hastily at time, that's the way it is
Faces that always being looked at
Forever hugging each other
Your smile has helped me endless time, you know
Thank you thank you Best Friend

Always always always my Best Friend

Friday, January 30, 2009



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

hope and hopes

