Saturday, October 31, 2009

one month

One month just passed as holiday. Another 2 months for holiday. Gonna be jobless starting from next Thursday. Zzz...

What has happened in this one month? Besides 处理 my dilemma. I thought I really let it go totally, but seriously haven't really totally. Still a little bit and it really bothers me sometimes. Time heals, so I just wait the time to bring my dilemma away and also I will give on effort to myself to let go of it. I want to be FREE from this.
I also waited for results. Finally I got it, informed by my friend through handset when I was still at school. I was so nervous that time. Luckily I had no more classes after I received the call. If not, I really scared I can't pay attention in teaching. Overall, still ok, although not what I wanted, results was still ok, not dropped to the very unexpected.

Teaching again...sometimes very free, sometimes very busy. Sometimes, I scolded every time I entered class. Of course I don't wish to scold, but then those students really 欠骂...won't be having breathing difficulty after long time scolding because I used 丹田气...haha. The weird thing is my voice turned a little bit low even though I haven't start to work as teacher in the holiday. What's wrong ya? However, with this lower voice, I can scold and talk louder, shout also louder and 有力...hehe. Can create greater effect for shutting the student's mouth and make the class quiet.

Am I looking forward for the days being jobless or wanna continue working? I have plans in the holiday, although not occupied, I need time to rest most probably won't continue work.
Waiting forward for days later...for rest, relax, plans, anything...

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