Saturday, August 22, 2009

好感?喜欢?or 什么都不是?

You can consider this as creation or my feeling. Guess la...

喜欢=开始会想念他了,寂寞及无聊时,很想和他聊,你会关心他,任他做什么事(usually that will make me angry if others do so), 任他撒娇也没关系...this is what I quoted from my friend's blog and I modified some. This is how I felt recently.

然而,因为某些事,把我给“惹恼”了,我竟然因为他的一些举动和言语而哭了, 我必须让他知道我其实在想什么. 当然他不知道我竟然哭了...

我常很想见到他,很想关心他,很想鼓励他,很想帮他,尤其拾回信心. 因为我很可能不会再见到他了. 那漫长的假期,我好怕会很难过...
我任他撒娇(although I don't 吃这一套--> for most of the people), 任他问无聊的问题. 我想尽我所能去安慰他(I am not good in consoling people, but only a good listener).



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