Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 is going towards the end

Well, it is a routine for me to write down what happened to me, no matter how sad, happy, terrific, horrible, unfortunate, blessed, etc in a whole year, during towards the end of a year. What I knew that is this year is much more different than those previous years because for so many years, year 2010 is the most meaningful, for now.

In January, it is Year 2 Semester 2 in Biochemistry. Taken Metabolism II, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Culture & Communication. (Exclude Pendidikan Moral here because I think that is a useless subject to study). I like Genetics the most, and Metabolism II the next. I think I shall be liking Molecular Biology, but too bad, I don't know why got such lecturer, I felt like I learn nothing much in Molecular Biology. Screw the lecturer! And that's why I won't choose Molecular Biology work for Final Year Project, after all, my interest is not in Molecular Biology thingy, but more on chemistry and bioassays.

Met such a ridiculous person. I mentioned the person in my blog before, the person's name is C, and I told you all here that C is a she. Her attitude and whatsoever, made me think that how tolerant am I to tolerate, to deal with, to communicate with this person. She hurt me a lot, but I am "stupid" enough to just bear it and avoid it. Because I know I sure lose in this kind of debate or handling. So, was a hard time for me. However, I got a good friend to listen to me and let me express myself. And I know what should I do. For me, friendship, if want to continue, I may need time to think; but now, I can say that, I don't wish to have a friend like you. However, don't worry, you won't be my enemy because you are not worth to be hated. Lolz. Well, to describe some of the characteristics that is quite common, I shall say, is obvious in her and also common in some people in society. She is kinda person who likes to think she is right for everything, making other people like a dumb or stupid. Friends, among each other, respect is important. Please respect other when talking or doing something. Even though the person you deal with is a bit weak, but you are not right in everything. You are just looked right (LOL). The next characteristics: SARCASTIC. Who doesn't know that. Everyone is fake and got a little sarcastic, the difference is how you express it. Her sarcastic-ness is very obvious until I could say that many people hate her very much.

Sarcastically, I knew that is C planned the birthday celebration for me. I am touched for that, thanks for her for planning it, I know at least I get her to appreciate me as a friend but the most touching moment is the classmates celebrating and the lecturer involved cooperated for it. Thanks a lot!

Around March, if I am not mistaken, the damn incident happened just after my birthday. Because of a misunderstanding, can make a guy so "small gas". Cut it short, the guy kept "bombard" her (C) with nonsense questions, thinking that he is very macho and putting revenge in behalf of others. He "bombarded" my group in presentation. However, main focus in on her. Our group, if not because of him, can end well, and won't interrupt other groups for presentation. Because of him, our presentation taken 1 hour. =.= (That's the reason why she is being hated so much, because gone too far in treating people; I also saw how CHILDISH can a person be) --> I wish to forget about this ridiculous incident.

Around that time too, my uncle, Chin Hoong asked me to join bible study. I joined it. Until now, and I still will join it. That time, I don't know how great of God is. I joined it, because I think I can learn some life lesson. That time I met a lot of new friends.

End of May, followed Max and Crystal to Penang. Their big family, I mean PCDC (Penang Christian Disciples Church). Got to mix with them better. I enjoyed being with them. I feel warmth. Got to know more friends. Is a nice feeling, even they don't know me much, but still care for you, concern about you, is this part of the love from God? I remembered one of them said that I looked punk when she met me for the first time. She played bass guitar that time. Many people said that I am cool that time, until don't dare to talk to me (another one told me after got to mix well with me). SERIOUSLY, had a lot of fun with them even I don't know them very much.
Joined the outing to CCC. And also the hiking to and camping at Pantai Kerachut in August. Someone is very kind to sponsor the payment of the 2 days 1 night trip which I don't know the reason for the person to do so. I am very grateful for that, until now I still don't know who is that, however, a great appreciation from me. Thanks to THAT PERSON again. From that, I experienced the first time sleeping in tent, playing quite crazily with friends and get to know and mix better with friends. I got to talk with someone I think that I can trust to of my confusion of feeling to someone, whom is S in my posts for the past half a year. She found me a counselor. I also told these to Max and Crystal, they told me to pray to God. Since that time, I started to pray. They got keep track on what and how I felt.

Around June, I decided to consult an endocrinologist regarding the pain that persists for long and also the swelling that never cease. The doctor checked the blood test and diagnosed that I was overdose with medicine, Euthyrox. That's why my metabolic rate SHOOTS UP and my other symptoms leads me to hyperthyroidism. Doctor also prescribed me prednisolone, at first, I haven't realize that is for reduce inflammation of thyroid glands. (I think that time I was too excited to know that everything can be ok, so didn't ask doctor why prednisolone is for...LOL. The next 3 months, is PAIN again. I dragged one month only got to meet the doctor again because I don't exactly know what happened and I don't have the time yet to meet the doctor, as I need to travel to outstation to meet the doctor. My blood test showed that the thyroid hormones are in normal level. Then doctor suspected is my genetic composition caused me to have inflammation in thyroid glands. For your information, inflammation in thyroid glands has no cause, it just inflamed like that. Doctor also told me that I can't overstress myself, if not, the pain would be coming back even more often. Oh my gosh, which means pain in every few months? FYP is driving me crazy and even more tension, pain was coming back after 3 weeks...== Alternative medicine other than steroid is found. Inflammation and pain subsided after medication for 3 days. The pain had made me has better self-control in dealing with temper, irritation, emotion changes. Thanks for the pain. Thank God for the consequences and lessons. In fact, the thyroiditis and hyperthyroidism had made me to more patience, tolerance, because thyroid disorder is life-long disease. I have no choice but have to accept that I need to take medicine for life-long.

Shocked that my FYP supervisor (boss) changed my FYP title in October. Everything feels like starting all over again. However, get to learn more things, which is the exciting part. I already expected that period for my FYP benchwork will be extended. I can only see my coursemates leaving one by one from the lab. However, for me, is just fine, because I get peace of mind. At the same time, I need to be patient, be smarter, be more initiative in doing my lab work. FYP taught me of time management and lotsa things dealing with communication. I found back myself in doing lab work. I am so not myself if I am not doing anything or too free. I enjoyed lab work. To deal with my boss, I need to be super careful because of his attitude and his routine.

The most important thing that I want to emphasize here is I get to know God, even though I haven't get to "meet" Him yet. Thanks to my new friends. Thanks for the love given.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is good :) He loves all His creation... Press On!