Thursday, December 16, 2010

SO soon

According to the frequency of the recurrence, it should be coming back (of course I hope it won't happen again, however, too bad that my body had this tendency to get it) around February or March. BUT, I felt the pain, very slight pain, on and off recently, and this recurred, after 3 weeks of recovery-> is way TOO SOON. This very slight pain (I didn't sprained any muscles or injured recently, and I am very sure about how is the pain feels like), that on and off frequency, is driving me crazy again. Well, I thought I can ignore that at first, then sometimes when I sit down to analyze myself, I feel like I get angry, fussy, impatient quite easily recently, not because of the menstruation (menstruation would cause the same symptoms too)

Pray, is the method I can use now. Hope God can give me the strength to not to be controlled by emotional imbalance that might hurt people around me.

Medicine to cure? Ya, still searching, I won't use steroid first, but I need to prevent the inflammation from getting even serious, pain killer of course has no effect, it only relieve the pain, but it won't relieve the root cause, which is the INFLAMMATION in thyroid glands: Thyroiditis. So, hope to consult a friend who is a pharmacist, whether is there any solution (medicine) to take other than steroid. Hopefully the pain won't "spread" so fast before I get the solution, otherwise, steroid is my option as it relieve and stop the inflammation in a very FAST mode.

Doctor told me before this, I can't overstress myself, if not, the frequency of recurrence will get even faster. Well, the stress, is PRESENT, because of the progress of my FYP. My fingers injured (because of my so called bad habit), I de-caffeine for longer than one month, but still, stress does cause a lot of health consequences. I can feel that stress is the ROOT CAUSE of thyroiditis...

Just couldn't believe that it really comes SO SOON...=(

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