Thursday, December 30, 2010


Thanks to my friend who introduced the medicine to me. Thanks to the effect of Beazyme (papain) and Danzen (serratio peptidase). With 3 times per day for 3 days, each time these 2 tablets, the synergistic effect fought the inflammation and thus the pain. The inflammation is off as the pain went off. Pain is as a result of inflammation, if you know the mechanism of inflammation, thanks to Immunology lecturer, Mr. Yuen for knowledge in Immunology. Doctor told me the condition too, if the same kind of pain and the same symptoms comes back, it means inflammation of thyroid glands happens again.

This time, I didn't drag long, However, one week is used to search for alternative other than steroid. Thanks for letting me found it, if not, I might be suffering effect from steroid.

As you can see, I mean to my friends who close to me, I can doubt that they feel and sense the emotional changes in me, even though I tried myself to overcome and hide it. Whenever I am in pain, my temper, emotion, etc changes to quite bad and quite drastic. Of course, until now, they can only feel it, because of the aura, not because I hurt them. The feeling that I always encounter whenever I am in pain is irritation. A little things that don't fit or don't meet my requirement in doing things or whatsoever, the irritation is very obvious on my face and tone of talking. To overcome from being feeling pain, I sleep a lot and keep myself very busy. Pain made me thinks a lot too. It made me think of how to reduce stress, how to manage time well (as I sleep a lot as a result of one of the symptoms), how to manage my feelings, how to control myself well even when I am not ok in physical condition, etc.

Thanks again to the pain and the medicine. Hope it won't happen so soon again.

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