Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year 2008 gonna come

Today (30/12/2007),another one day,........2008 is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everybody is busy with their stuffs...busy busy busy...
Gonna plan things for next year...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

First of all, I wanna wish all my friends Merry Christmas! Wish you all have a nice day. Have your dreama come true. Have a nice day!!!
Well, I was out celebrated Christmas myself, by walking with my cousin sister in Jusco. By the way, I like walking without her existance,(sorry I have to say that, she sometimes very talkative).
I bought two cds. One entitled "The best of 1999-2005 trance" and the other one is "unforgetable hits by clarinet". I have listened for a while. Both nice.
Then I read books in book store.

What I wish for Christmas is my good friends can spend a little time with me. (They can do it with the other friends , but why not with me?!) I think I never meet my good friend very long time ago since after Standard Six. (keep rejecting what I asked and wished). How disappointed am I...

Sunday, December 23, 2007



Friday, December 21, 2007

worth it?

Yesterday(21/12,Friday),I went out alone to Jusco. Main purpose there is to find books I interested in. Well, the result of searching was not disappointed.
I found the books written by 现代作家:郭沫若,胡适,徐自摩,茅盾,丰子恺,等等The last writer that I mentioned, well, I like the thought and logics he proposed. The book costs RM21. Haiz...not enough money(because I wanna buy other things).
I felt lucky because I learned chinese in STPM. Get to know so much knowledge, our literature history is fun(although many facts to remember). Study chinese in STPM helped me to recognise nice books to be read.
I would go and buy it in short time.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007






Miracle's lyrics

Boy meets girl
You were my dream,my world
But i was blind
You cheated on me from behind
So on my own
I feel so all alone
Though I know it's true
I'm still in love with you
I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
It can happen to me
Day and night
I'm always by your side
Cause I know for sure
My love is real my feelings pure
So take a try
No need to ask me why
Cause I know it's true
I'm still in love with you
I need a miracle...
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
I need a miracle
I wanna be your girl
Give me a chance to see
That you are made for me
I need a miracle
Please let me be your girl
One day you'll see it can happen to me
It can happen to me

Monday, December 17, 2007






Friday, December 14, 2007

not dare

I do miss u,
but I am not dare,
not dare to tell you that
I miss you a lot.

I always find something to do;
find something to do to stop thinking of you,
stop missing you,
sometimes just express my feelings out,
just wanna stop myself from thinking of you.

Miss u all

This few days,many things to recall n remember.
Remember what is the deeper meaning of friendship,
Think and consider things that I shouldn't put myself too deep into it

Consider things and incidents
whether have I do wrong anything
recall how I treat others
recall how others treat me
recall how people make things funny
recall how people make things worse until make other people fix it back
recall why I got some sort of honour by school authority
recall I laugh crazily with my new friends
something feels good
something feels bad

I really miss you all
Thanks you all go along with me in Form 6's life

Although tough,
but life with friends cool and meaningful

Sunday, December 9, 2007


0750 Wake up
0800 Online,blogging
0900 Having breakfast outside
1002 Watching cartoons (dun laugh!)
1130 Cleaning n tidy up my books n my study table
1300 Have bath
1330 Lunch hour
1350 Online
1630 Reading
1845 Have bath
1930 Dinner
2030 Listening 2 music
2220 Online

Friday, December 7, 2007

Wonderful day

Yesterday (7/12), my best fren Cristabel (I call her Cris), asked me 2 go out wif her 2 hv fun. Really appreciate. U saved me from dying in dis boring home. We went 2 Jusco. Watched movie "The Golden Compass". Ok, quite nice...

The main female character,a 12-year-old girl, Lyra,she has d courage dat normal child dun hv. Well, d guts n bravery had bring her character well in the movie. N she has a face dat looked like an adult.

After that, we had lunch...ok...quite nice...den went 2 d bookstore. I saw a book, I took it n stand aside. Imagine I finished dat book dat day too. I stood n read d book. Waa...really tired my feet. Cris saw another fren n her fren asked her 2 chat. She left. Ok, left me...I walked alone in d shopping complex. not bored but nice. I enjoy shopping n walking alone.

Although dat day jux passed like dat, I felt happy too...who dun happy b wif their best fren...esp we not meet 4 long. She has a new image now, so do I (although I din change much).

After I back home, she msged me n thanked me for giving her a wonderful day. I said I really thankful 2 u 4 not saying me as a boring person.(or we 2 oso d same kind of person,lol)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007



Saturday, November 3, 2007


Today went for tuition as usual. I went there earlier coz I need to photocopy sth. While waiting, I felt a bit "not very comfortable" like being watching, then I looked at d site. Oh, my old fren, Sarania. Well, a bit fatter but she is nice. Cool man! (I mean very girlish la). Then we jux chat a while, and then she left.

Jux suprised...and happy. Wish her good luck and all d best in exam n everything...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


那天,我与几个比较合得来的朋友同桌,在学长慰劳宴上。看她那副憔悴的样子,真有点feel sorry for her. 一点都不像她之前健谈,活泼的模样。我是喜欢与她聊天的,因不愿看那憔悴的样子,就讲一些冷笑话及找话题,至少她还"有理睬我”,高兴她还有“心情”。


Saturday, October 27, 2007


快受不了。沉重的,逼人的压力,使人透不过气来。一连几天的冲刺,身体?,还受得了,但mental有点blurr 了。

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Drove my car to tuition yesterday, dunno was not enuf warming up d car or d car's battery gonna running out, d car "shivering" until wanna broke down (死火), at housing area myself den not big matter but not middle of d main road, (very paiseh n =_=) . But luckily no break down. Huhh...but not very stable, I scared when I drove yesterday.

This morning (18/10), I went out 2 fetch sb,d situation repeated,n I almost crushed on a motorcycle when I crossed d road.( coz I am too scared, I scared my car break down in d middle of d road until I din realise d motorcycle was rode towards d junction).

Real a 虚惊...thank God 4 bad things din happened.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


咔嚓... 咔嚓咔嚓咔嚓...


Thursday, October 11, 2007

would be a bz week...coming

Gonna sit for STPM exam,somemore first day is chinese, d subject I most afraid to. got many things to memorise...but if I interested, those facts will "enter" my brain easily. I do hv interest, but not in all sector. There are four sectors in chinese, namely 古代文学,古代文学史,现代文学,现代文学史. Well, I like most d 1st and d 3rd one. Well, I muz finish them in a smart way asap. I will do that...

Another one bio...all those cycle here and there...make head big only, n muz kno how 2 applicate into question o...our bio teahcer always said us for always study blindly but dunno how 2 applicate...Muz memorise them effectively asap. Maths, do effectively...understand totally, not blindly...all effectively...revise effectively...effectively n smart!!!

Full conecntration!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Happy holiday?! Happy studying!!

School starts holiday starting tomorrow. Now is 2:30pm,Wednesday. Well, is not actually a holiday for students sitting for major exam. Well, also need to rest, don't too stress and tensed up. Must reach equilibrium, if not; according to Le Chatelier principle (application), if the situation and condition (routine) you faced is disturbed,the consequences is it will shift for you until reach another new equilibrium, which always brings bad consequences. So just like my bio teacher said that don't try new things when facing coming exam, will disturb equilibrium...

To all my Form 5 friends, to all my Form 6 friends and friends sitting for A-Level final, all the best to you all, gambateh!!!
We all can and will do it!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Told you that I (and most of your frenz) treat people sincerely. Don't simply do things that can show your fakeness behind us.
Don't think that you are good enough and do other things that you think we are blurr enough for not realise that.
You would face the consequences...just look and see...

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I need a reason

My school organise a programme called "gerak gempur". For Upper Six students coz we are going to sit for STPM major exam. I wondered...(although the tests are only one hour and 10 minutes,but almost everyday.) I think most of the Upper Six students wanna study at home, at home can concentrate more, at school, got many inconsiderable people make noise here and there. Really irresponsible and inconsiderable. Sometimes like that really make people feel that go to school is a waste of time, especially go to the M's school. People with no brain conducting the school. Say teacher will discuss the questions with us student for the programme (I mean after the tests). Some teacher really don't know how to teach and terribly lousy teacher, really no point sitting for the tests.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007





Sunday, September 30, 2007

Headache continues

This morning (30/9), I woke up quite late. I thought I ad hv enuf sleep,coz I cant continue my sleep after woke up. After that, I feel a bit fresh. I thought everything is ok. After that, I continue my delayed studies...suddenly I felt terribly sleepy, but I bear it, coz I thought is d place tat I chose 4 study is not strategic enuf. But lastly, I cant stand it anymore, den I had a short rest.
After that, d hot weather,d headache stil continue caused me cant even concentrate in studies, I slept. After woke up, headache stil continue.
Chatting wif my fren, trying 2 figure out wat actually happened 2 me. my fren said tat I was having study pressure. I did admit tat I hv pressure, coz I always cant finish my things as I wished. N some health problems ruined my plans. Damn it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

this few days

This few days, I was in a blurr manner. Not enough sleep, I supposed. When standing, I was in d imbalance pose;when walking, almost fall down;walking on a smooth road, bcoz not aware of arising surface in front of me, I almost fall down, in front of my frenz. Paiseh...

Had slight headache few days ago, made me blurr like that. Like ppl haven totally wake up. The headache made me cant concentrate in studies. N mayb I was missing sb or had a destruction in my mind, made me lose almost all d concentration in studies... !@#$%^&*

Yesterday,28/9, I was having headache, plus hot weather, headache getting worse, walking also in imbalance manner. Oh my...! But I had POL class in d afternoon, I need to bear it...luckily I was getting better after a short rest.

Blurr,blurrness, blurr...blurrness...,get away from me...

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Oh my...

So stressed
So stressed
So stressed
So stressed
So stressed

Thursday, September 20, 2007


I get it from sb. Share with you all here.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

what a ...



有的人... 有的人...

Friday, September 14, 2007

Food poison

On Thursday evening, I had a terrible stomachache, then end up "throwing out" in toilet after that. In the process in bathing, I vomitted. The residue is food that I ate in the recess in school. What a shit! Just because not much people go to the canteen, then you can simply cook. Don't make me sue you...

After that, my stomach can't accept anything including water, vomit almost everything out, until almost empty in my stomach.

From this poison, I alrealy vomitted 11 times and diahorrea 3 times, make me very weak. Then having slight fever on Friday. Sleep almost 3/4 of the day.
Now energy is recharged. I feel better now.

What happen to me?

In this trial, I admitted that I did not prepare much, but I do prepare quite ok for certain subjects, like Pengajian Am and chemistry. Both of the marks of this subjects quite bad, (but is one if the paper only,still don't know the other), In Pengajian Am, I did quite bad in my graph,(considered bad for me),I knew my hands that time were shivering, but I managed to finish it in time. But is untidy.The ugliest graph that I ever drawn. Damn it!

The other sunjects I also didn't done very well...Haiz...
I don't know what I supposed to say already...

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Why am I sitting in front of the computer now? Since I hv an important exam tommorrow, which is Maths Paper 2, and it is harder than Paper One. Well, I am having headache coz less mood facing d books.

Last time Maths got very low marks.SHIT!So I tell myself not 2 repeat d mistake. Well, last itme was sui nervous and NO confidence. But this time I did it, with confidence and no nervous! I kno I can do it 4 tommorrow's paper.

Headache, coz notes I wrote 4 myself b4 I cant recognise and dun understand!!(-.- what d hell), so headache...

GAMBATE for my frenz that sitting for exam. Good luck!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Trial is not more than 5 days, but my revision is stil loaded there.
Can't get good concentration in doing revision...
Make me sucked...

The pressure is getting loaded and loaded...
Having high tension...
Ahh...... very tension!!!

Sometimes I wanna cry...
I wanna shout with my loudest voice...

I wanna release...!!!

Good luck 2 me and everyone! All the best!

The chain is broken

That friendship, between the annoying person and me, is almost broken. (or I should say is broken?) not talking 2 each other for 2 weeks. I actually dun wanna talk 2 this kind of annoying and arrogant and.... person. Make me sucked only. But the thing is he thinks he is the right side, asking for apologise? No way!! I may say bad about u, but the fact that I said is not wrong. You should realise on ur own mistake. Another friend of his also feel the same thing like me, so we actually very hate those kind of person. You and me are friends b4, but I think now the chain is a bit broken...

Friday, August 17, 2007


Gonna mad...

what a person?!

Halo, excuse me, 2 days before, u ask ur fren in front of u about ur name in Tamil's version. From dat I kno dat u r suspecting only, trying 2 figure out wat we actually gossiping about. Because of this, u did not talk 2 us 4 a whole week. Wow, u think we would feel unusual without u talking wif us, by go 2 ur gang there, trying 2 show that without u, we feel uncomfortable and awkward. What a childish thought. I kno this kind of people's behaviour, u can't blame me 4 saying all this.

Discuss n tell a fren about this situaiton, (a fren who is more understanding),thru d responses and reactions u gave us, my fren said that this kind of people, if we want 2 ask u 2 realised n correct ur mistake, u of cos cant accept wat we talk bad about u, and because u changed coz of somebody u like,u choose 2 angry 2 ppl talk bad about u and u cant realise until everything is over,(I mean this year). That time, u would be regret what u did.

Monday, August 13, 2007

continuation for the "to be continued"

Wow... what a good response! You think that we are talking about you, then angry and don't want bother about other people. (In a direct translation,you think we are gossiping about you, and you are not happy about that,give a nuisance look to us.) Through your reaction and response, we know that you are not happy, (excuse me la, don;t be so sentitive), and we know that you are totally a stingy person.
Childish...childish...childish... Ok, its a normal response for a person that being gossiped. This one we understand. In other aspects, why don't you go and realised yourself whether what we said is true anot. And please take note that you are not always right. You behave like that, like a small kid, you know you are such childish! !@#$%^&*

Friday, August 10, 2007

what an annoying person!!!!


Sorry, I need to express this here. Maybe you all may say that I need not to bother this person or simply just say ignore the person. But I can't. I must say it here. I wanna express my anger or in a better word: criticize.

The person is named "Pucandi", in Tamil version. (to avoid sensitivity here)...let the person be P.

You know what P did? P likes to showing off,boasting, "pretending innocent" n cute there...but the truth is P is very disgusting in doing all those acts. You know what P did? P likes to ask people questions, example P asked me questions before,I totally know this kind of person's behaviour. P is thinking that I don't know the answer of the questions he asked. When I gave the right answer, P seems disapproving...and suddenly silence...
And you know what, I feel ludicrous,for what? For P can't show off,thinks that P can boasting ,laugh at people for "stupid" in front of me. Handling this kind of person, (P is childish in look, behaviour...almost everything. ) need to put down my matureness to behave childish to P. When I trying to explain or tell P where I got the answer, P seems not happy. But did you ever (I mean P) think that people feel annoying of your behaviour, but just hard to tell you.

Another thing is P likes to criticize people's acting, like how people talks,I totally feel annoying. P seems wanna asks people to follow what he likes. Every people has their own way to talk to act, as long as other person feel comfortable to how we act. A person would not change just because you don't like,every people know what they supposed to do. Who you think you are?! The Great? Ah, you are just a small kid who is acting "cute" there .You don't "allow" people to talk sth that may need you to make a bit correction on yourself. What you can't accept your weakness? So lame...You behave to be angry for what peeple trying to correct to make things better, behaver niggardly there, don't want bother people. You know you are so stingy and very mean? Just because you are our classmate and a friend that quite close, doesn't mean that you can whatever you like to behave to us. Everybody have their limitation in bearing such people's behaviour.

To be continued........

Saturday, August 4, 2007


can encourage us go forward.

make you stress a lot,
and stress make you suffer sometimes.

do "stimulate" us
to overcome ourselves,
the barrier exist in yourself.

accumulate in oneself,
causing unconfortable (if in excess),
in uncontrolled situation,
you fall...




Monday, July 30, 2007

damn it!

"Pucandi", in Indian version,(I got it from my friend, they put the initial for the person I mentioned here.) Let the person be P though I mentioned Pucandi above.

We supposed to finish the bio worksheets that teacher had asked to. I finished it. And I actually knew that P also finish it. But later P took one of the friends' worksheet to compare, I knew what P wanna do. P wanna compare the answer, if P is right for the answer, P can show off, boasting here and there. Really feel disgusting for P's act. P is sitting beside me, so I feel tensioned. You all may say that I can just ignore P. But P really gone too far. Boasting until the other friends there.
The other incident, we were having Pengajian Am period that moment, my friend behind me asked P whether P can contribute some points for the essay topic. P said that he is very weak in PA, (though he is the highest->so what?, very clever and great) asked my friend don't need to ask him. I felt this really annoying. And you knew what P continue said? P said:"Sometimes need to be humble and fake (direct chinese translation).And you think we are stupid?Don't know what you actually want to say and try to figure out what you actually want to mean? Really damn it.

P always think that he is very great. Although we as friends tolerate with his annoying behaviour and trying to boikot him also, but he seems didn't realised his own mistake, mayube he thinks that he is very great, no harm and no fault showing off. And if so, why don't others that have same ability as you does not do that?

And ,don't ever think that you are very nice at look and always say that other people is childish, the point is we observed that you are the one who behave just like a small kid, acting innocent there, but with the annoying behaviour.

Please think, before you lose your friends surrouding you.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Where have you gone?

you used to be;
why are you now becoming
so playful now?
Are you ok?
you seems acting crazy.
It's not yourself.
You are a person that
talk and will do it.
Why you becoming the other way?
You are quite a cheerful before,
but now through your conversation with you,
you seems changed...

Thursday, July 19, 2007







Saturday, July 14, 2007

??lost patience??

2 days before, suddenly I "found volcano is erupting", which is myself had bad temper. And? What happened was I just release and spread my bad temper like that. But , luckily was I did not put my impatience and anger directly to my friends. Just to non-living things. Maybe is the hormonal change,make it have a rise and drop of particular hormone. Haha, I hope this won't last long, if not, I myself and friends will suffer.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


I dunno whether I m unfortunate or they r so unconsiderable. My classmates r very very very unconsiderable. When teacher is not around, we as students dat going 2 hv important exam shud study quietly. But d condition is opposite. They r making noise there. So, sometimes I hope ppl who like 2 make noise absent. Esp in dis kind of period, many ppl need a quiet environment 2 study n revise, and not disturb by those jerk n rascals. I kno there r a few ppl who running d organisation, which means when those present, dat group of ppl would b very noisy, and also mean dat he/she is d leader of noise maker.

Moreover, the group dat I feel annoying n had insulted me bring poker 2 play n also emsembled frenz 2 chat. Chat is not wrong, but not in a big volume.

Today, d leader of noise maker is absent, d group suddenly seems very quiet, but d vice leader is present so, there is oso a bit noise. But d power is very weak. Ha. But I stil feel unsatisfied wif a group. Dat group of ppl can talk non-stop from they enter clas until finish studying session. OMG?! D noise is ............. moreover they r oso very unconsiderable 4 didn't care bout d students who want 2 study. Jerks! GTH!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


On Friday, after recess was Maths period. I dunno y suddenly I felt so tired, n I fall asleep. I felt sorry 2 teacher. Ahh,,,, past...
In d afternoon, I had chinese POL class. In d halk way, I fall asleep again. Wat was d problem? Then in d tuition, again....-.-
At nite, I had stomachache......until I cant concentrate well in studies. Really zadao! Then sleep again.

The day after dat (Saturday), our sch had 'gotong-royong', everybody busy in their work. But some person, I dunno wat r their function in d class. They were doing nth. Actually dis is d good chance I can 'put' revenge on them... I stil need 2 find a rite time...Who asked them 2 insulted me? They asked 4 it. Later went 2 out 2 hv sth 2 eat. Imagine I went out wif d gang dat I felt annoying. U can imagine how fake I faced them...Went home, after reading newspaper, I fall asleep, until I missed d lunch. I slept 4 three hours. Walao...?! At nite, my energy stil enuf...

On Sunday, today, in d morning, I slept more than study, again, wats d problem? In d afternoon, I din fall asleep. In d nite, I wished 2 hv sufficient energy 2 finish wat I planned.