Friday, August 10, 2007

what an annoying person!!!!


Sorry, I need to express this here. Maybe you all may say that I need not to bother this person or simply just say ignore the person. But I can't. I must say it here. I wanna express my anger or in a better word: criticize.

The person is named "Pucandi", in Tamil version. (to avoid sensitivity here)...let the person be P.

You know what P did? P likes to showing off,boasting, "pretending innocent" n cute there...but the truth is P is very disgusting in doing all those acts. You know what P did? P likes to ask people questions, example P asked me questions before,I totally know this kind of person's behaviour. P is thinking that I don't know the answer of the questions he asked. When I gave the right answer, P seems disapproving...and suddenly silence...
And you know what, I feel ludicrous,for what? For P can't show off,thinks that P can boasting ,laugh at people for "stupid" in front of me. Handling this kind of person, (P is childish in look, behaviour...almost everything. ) need to put down my matureness to behave childish to P. When I trying to explain or tell P where I got the answer, P seems not happy. But did you ever (I mean P) think that people feel annoying of your behaviour, but just hard to tell you.

Another thing is P likes to criticize people's acting, like how people talks,I totally feel annoying. P seems wanna asks people to follow what he likes. Every people has their own way to talk to act, as long as other person feel comfortable to how we act. A person would not change just because you don't like,every people know what they supposed to do. Who you think you are?! The Great? Ah, you are just a small kid who is acting "cute" there .You don't "allow" people to talk sth that may need you to make a bit correction on yourself. What you can't accept your weakness? So lame...You behave to be angry for what peeple trying to correct to make things better, behaver niggardly there, don't want bother people. You know you are so stingy and very mean? Just because you are our classmate and a friend that quite close, doesn't mean that you can whatever you like to behave to us. Everybody have their limitation in bearing such people's behaviour.

To be continued........

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