Sunday, January 2, 2011


All of a sudden, feel very "dulan". This word, I presumed is quite popular in the society, or whatsoever.

In the middle of my afternoon nap, is getting hotter and hotter. Ya, weather is moderately hot today. Got some sorta irritated because of the heat then I decided not to continue my nap.

Grrr!!! Is my language power and expression so hard to be understood? Something that very easy, yet people so hard to understand it, some more misunderstood it. Is a disaster to me when the message of "don't get what you meant, or I misunderstood it, so I didn't do it", or something that people just "purposely" doesn't want to inform early, last minute only inform, causing people in trouble, made me wanna shout at the phone (even though the message came in the form of sms)

Ya, recently, I easily get angry (not because of PMS), MAINLY because things that did not meet my own requirement, or what planned is not going on smoothly because of some people's misunderstanding or slow pace. Ish! Very "dulan"!

Come on, Ke Jun, you need to calm down. Calm down...

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