Wednesday, January 12, 2011

runaway? or?

I slept for almost 4 hours for my afternoon nap (it is not called nap anymore...=.=)

At home for the past 4 days, I sleep not so well (or I also have no idea how well I slept, or I didn't sleep much), I felt tired for almost the whole day. Friends who saw me in campus asked the same question and same description on how I looked that time. Fatigue coming back and this symptom gets worsen? A bit too soon to determine this. Maybe I shall rest more, if not, my energy would not recover and is gotta be hard for me to adjust it back after next week as new semester starts soon and is going to be a hectic semester. I have a lot of things to deal with, very challenging ones: time management and planning.

This few days, for the past few days, I knew that I am under tension, from the bad habit. Other than driving, other than watching Japanese animation, listen to songs, I only stay at home. I don't even think of go walking in shopping malls. Slept around 12am and woke up around 8-9am. Quite normal and enough sleep. I don't even think of my lab work. However, after coming back, I know I am avoiding something, I have no idea of what I am avoiding of, until now. Normally when I am avoiding something, sleep a lot is the way, Maybe this time is my health problem...I am just too tired, I guessed. And please, pain, don't come back so soon, as I know that, when inflammation of thyroid glands starts, it will cause pain and all the symptoms will attack in which one of the symptoms is patient tends to sleep a lot and feel very tired for "no reason".

I know I am under great tension, I know life from onwards is going to be very challenging. I won't give up. Ke Jun, wake up!!! Don't runaway and stop avoiding!!!

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