Saturday, January 15, 2011

I need peace

Well, the anxiety, the irritability, the headache, the seems swollen on the neck, the suspicious condition of gaining weight, the mild insomnia...I couldn't deny the symptoms that I am having for the past few days, I couldn't deny that irritability is keep bugging me. Now, headache (yet, I am still blogging here).

Ok, I know if I am in irritation, I can't do anything well. Then I sat in front of my laptop, yesterday, I prayed and asked Him that, do all these symptoms indicate that the inflammation is coming back? I checked about thyroiditis in detail online again. Ya, all the symptoms fit. I prayed for peace. Then, guess what? I went to tidy up and clear my stuffs such as the "cabinet" that put all the whatever garments, and cleared all the unwanted stuffs, rearranged everything, cleaned the big box that I keep all my document case, all my notes, then ironed all those pants (just washed and dried, left ironing), conclusion is I cleared those things that I very seldom clean it, because they are always clean from outside view. (screw it, what kind of grammar and sentence is this...I felt something wrong to my grammar). After I did all those, irritation can be considered is gone. His work? His solution to relieve my irritability?

I shall be strong. And make sure the whatever precaution should be done. Suspected on gaining weight and the fat accumulation. The so called tummy comes out (for other people, they always jealous that I don't have tummy (Seriously, for me, that is really a tummy, although not big until to be considered as spare tire). I will conquer all these...

Irritation and whatsoever, please GET LOST!!!

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