Friday, January 21, 2011


Today, I posted a new "status" on Status Updates segment. Then not long after that, my friend, who actually we got back our friendship just few days ago, asked me about that; seriously, I was so surprised that time. She asked why was I so angry, as "sounded" on my status. I replied by saying that I am actually not angry, but just feel great disappointed.

Disappointed on?! I feel disappointed because I can't hold the friendship with you, I am not good enough to bear with you, to bear with your faithless personality, if I didn't get this term wrong, I am not good enough to be sincere to you long enough while I am actually getting hurt from how you treat me. I had told myself, IGNORE you. Ya, ignoring you. Ya, I won't get myself to care about you anymore. I will let go, but I won't forget how you treat me. From how you treat me, I am so understand this saying: 不是别人不在乎你,是你把对方看得太重. I am care of my friends, so I am "regret" for 把你看得太重? Ya, maybe. However, I know that I have done my responsibility as a friend. Many people knew that I was hurt as a result from what you have done. Well, there is another explanation that I can tell them, mentioned above.

(Seems like run off from title) Ya, for those bad memories from last year, wish I can uninstall them. I posted a post on Facebook, saying that: Uninstall. Then my friend replied that: ya, is the time for new "system". Lolz, yup, is time for new system, new life and better memories, make those bad memories as lesson.

In the progress of uninstalling. Wishing myself luck.

Since I uninstalled the feelings towards S from my mind, I felt in peace now. I won't want myself to deal with those matters again, NOT ever again...

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