Saturday, November 27, 2010

get better

On Monday evening, got myself the RIGHT medicine, prescribed steroid, prednisolone. I need to eat this medicine for 6 days, one tablet per day, so is from Monday till Saturday, which is today.
Ok, I don't want the condition to be worsen, it had been very pain (the pain has worsen) since last Friday until Sunday, could you imagine, I could only sleep to avoid from feeling pain... It had seriously affected my temper, mood and emotion. For that whole week, I don't feel like talking to people or doing things that need high patience, if not, I scared I will lose patience and throw tantrum. However, to finish my task until 50%, I need to bear with my own temper and emotion, I won't let pain control me so much. For now, 90% pain and 70% swelling gone.

Ok, I had angry to S because of a very simple reason: when I was in pain, S stepped and crossed my borderline, I don't mind S always talks in quite no manners to me (because can be considered quite close), however, that time, I felt disappointed and the next anger came. I didn't talk to S for more than one week. The day S started to talk to me, I still unwillingly to answer S properly. My pain still there, I scared the pain was controlling my emotion and temper that time. So, I answered S in a very cool tone... Then on Thursday, we talked and tried to solve this issue. At the half of our conversation, we nearly quarreled when talked through MSN, then S asked to talk face-to-face. Ok, fine, talked in my room. Finally, issue solved =) Felt very relieved that time. Then we chatted. S even described the FYP progress in a very enthusiastic expression, I like it...^^

At the same time, I can feel that my friends felt my sincerity and trustworthy and not to "scared" at my coolness...XD. I felt glad about that.

Conclusion: bad temper, impatience, bad emotions had gone away with the pain...

1 comment:

Deb said...

Proud of you, that you got this resolved at last. ^_^