Sunday, November 14, 2010

my temper

Seriously, my bad temper is back. WHY?!

Ok, the bad temper started since I got the thyroiditis in the end of September or near October. That time I didn't know about that, so I was worried and I lost temper without reason. Erm, not to say without reason, the only reason is I was in pain!!! Is not that I can't bear it, ya, I told my friends who concern about me. I think they should know what happened to me with my sudden change of temper.

Then I found out, when in hormone imbalance, in pain, depressed or whatever, it will affect a person's temper or so called attitude. And it caused me to get back my bad temper again. I became very impatient, easily angry. And seriously, when I was doing my lab work, which the steps need a lot of patience, I felt like smashing all glasswares into the sink...=.= And yet, I got to control myself well. I know I couldn't lose temper to anyone else. So I lose the temper in my own room. By banging the my room's door, cycle very fast by making myself very tired, eat a lot, etc.

As long as the pain still there, and I feel it, I know I will continue lose my temper without any trigger from outsiders. So, I want to say sorry if I ever lose temper or say bad words or do something bad to any of my friends. I know I should have been controlling it, but is hard. I will try my best to control my temper in anyway...

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