Saturday, August 7, 2010

unconsciously or wronged myself?

After the crisis, somehow realized that I did wronged myself for a little bit sometimes. Noticed that myself acted stupid (I admit that I am noob sometimes), acted immature (actually I have a lot of thoughts). Some so called matured people said and thought I am not matured enough to go out to face the reality of the society nowadays, ok, is not a nice sentence, but never mind, I know myself better. Sometimes, know and "see" too much will create speechless and avoiding and then escaping situations. Sometimes, human being need to keep low profile enough. No need show how matured are you or how smart are you every time, and you might gain a good feedback or more respect for return.

Ok, acted stupid and blur seems became one of my "strategy". Well, is not really my strategy, is my physical condition caused me so. Thanks to my condition, allowing me to ask stupid questions that somehow got fruitful answer...^^ give stupid responses (most of the time is I have no idea what kind of response I should give, give you the response that you wished to? Or the response that you don't expect), I don't mind give stupid responses because I am not that smart, no need show off. I also don't mind to give the response that you wish to, since you are happy with it. Sometimes, I also think that, do I wronged myself to act like that? Well, sometimes, MAYBE I do like that to suit your arrogance, your ignorance, not that I am stupid to do so, is that if I become arrogant and like to show off like you, then there will be endless fight. Then I rather keep silence to observe. Or I just don't like to show off (even though I may have some talents), I no need to be in high profile, so as an ordinary student, I did act ordinarily in CONSCIOUSLY... make sense, right?

By the way, to face some kind of people, to suit their ignorance and arrogance, I better act stupid, to avoid being throw anything bad in a sudden, people just jealous you are very smart sometimes. Ya, I admit that, to act stupid MOST of the time is tired, but, is fine for me, tolerate...higher tolerance has become one of my characteristics started from the beginning of this semester.

Is tired, maybe I need to start to "ignore" and be a bit selfish, for my own sake.

1 comment:

ShyuanT said...

Sometimes, not knowing everything seemed to be a better way of life. Just be yourself la. Dun need to put on a mask which makes you suffocate...

And forget about the 'friend'. True friends have no value...