Sunday, August 1, 2010


My former Mp3 player R.I.P around one week ago, which caused me very nervous about it. I was very angry at the person who added the GREAT EXTRA injury to the Mp3 player, that actually slowly kill it. It was injured before it was with me. But I love it very much, even I accidentally knocked the earphone also I felt pain. When it was crashed hardly on the floor, by that idiot, I felt very 心痛, then only felt very angry to that idiot. I know it strove and struggled to serve itself until it really "dead" one week ago. I felt so sorry for it.

This Mp3 player was my companion, I rely on it, by listening to songs (my hobby as well, I LOVE music) when there is break time in campus, to avoid me getting stress that easily and also the lectures. Some lecturers are speaking and talking damn fast, hard to catch, and also because of I am easily fatigue, so I need it to do the recording in case I really dozed off. And to avoid me to think too much. When it dead, there is no where to get another Mp3 player that can replace it at that moment, until I heard about the PC fair at Penang. So I asked to go Penang, my friends welcomed me. I felt so touched. Lastly, I got a NEW MP3 player!!! Yeah!!! And oh dear, please wait ya, I sure will take you go and repair...T.T (the time is surely damn slow for you to pass)

In this week, at the same time, I was sick too, due to most probably the recurring inflammation. Was a bit suffering almost for the 5 days of campus-ing. I think I had screwed up one of my report, as I did it under great headache. Luckily condition was getting better in Wednesday afternoon. Started to get some light meal, such as meehoon soup. I need to bear the hunger, but no choice, I don't want the fever to recur before I sit for the Friday's test. So far, I can revise under the condition I expected, although not the optimal condition I was that time (you think you are enzyme? Optimal?!) So far, I didn't screw up the Protein and Proteomics test, just that I knew I can actually do better.

Seems that I gone too far...ok, come back.

Speaking of the "deceased" mp3 player, I need to be independent in terms of regulating the rising level of stress and also to avoid myself think nonsense and also train myself can revise lecture notes in a stress-less condition. I know I shall not rely on it all the time, but that week, just that a lot of challenges to a sick person. Ok, so far, I can cope it, is not that hard, though. I am happy for myself. Initially, on Monday, it was HARD for me, because felt like lost something, felt like something is not with me that day. I was a bit lost that day...T.T... Tuesday onwards, I let myself immersed in lecture notes, not to think the "deceased" mp3 player, since I can't do anything now, until I get back to hometown to find the rescue. But then I still feel sad... Is happy that, I was not desperate to find S for the dependence. I KNOW I SHALL depend on my own. I can now at least can focus more on revising lecture notes while in break time. ^^

I shall depend more on my own, in terms of spiritually.


ShyuanT said...

Welcome to your new MP3! May your former 1 be resurrected and live again! =) Dun be so stress la.

kjlonewolf said...

Haha, thx ya. I really hope the former one can be repaired...