Friday, January 1, 2010


Used to be doing my confessions and hopes and make a self-criticism here in every year end, however, last year, didn't do so here, in another blog which is the general ones. (Of course the topic I wrote there is kinda general and like doing report...~~)

I admitted that, I need more time to "ask" myself to face my own confession, there are sorta regrets last year. What is the origin problem? Oh ya, is self-determination, is not that don't have, is less than it should be in myself Need to "upgrade" my own EQ. ~~Already enter adult world, need 收身养性 more than I shall be, especially before I have my own career.

Well, in this year, I need more 自律, cannot let other "foreign" stuffs affect me easily. I know that I am quite 后知后觉 but some things if they "attacked" and affect me, I can't shut it off so easily, my "energy" is too weak to let it off quickly. Is kinda regret for letting those unnecessarily stuffs bother me much. Shoo shoo, go away, you all obstructions!!! By the way, thanks for being the challenges to my life and helped me grow up. (矛盾的话, 但有点道理咯...)

是时候要改变下自己的视野及看法,不是说我心胸狭窄或目光不够阔,是说我应该以不同角度来看待事情,常常以别人的立场再想一遍,或许结果会不一样. 承认自己是有点自我中心,也许我想有人肯定我吧. 我很高兴我的一个朋友,她告诉了我,当然我很欣赏她的坦诚,当然诚实的话,大多时候是很难听的,但它是你成长的关键,如果一个人能从一个良友的话作检讨,从中吸取忠言, 它能助你成长. 一个辣椒朋友能陪着一个人成长是一件可以说是幸福的事,因为朋友重视你啊,想与你续前缘. (好像扯太远了)

在新的一年里,要好好坐下来反省及plan. 剩下不多的时间,要毕业了,我达到我当初承诺的事吗? 不要再蹉跎岁月了...!!!

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