Tuesday, January 12, 2010

lyrics-We survive

Found this song today as I had nothing to do, so click whatever song to try at music browser. Found that this song is nice and suit my taste. This song is performed by Kotoko.

Below is the English translation of the song. The music is awesome.

translation version
Crying happy tears this wind leading me on has
A gentle smell and a warmth I've gotten used to
Now, in this bounded world, up to the horizon
What will I discover with these eyes that hide my emotions?

I journey up the satin sky keeping the hidden stars inside my heart
So that I won't be heard nor seen I spat it out quietly

But now, I'm going to banish my glorious past
Even in the distorted day or in the cold night they'll change to gemstones

Crying empty tears if you are gonna let me flow them
I wanna feel protected like this way all the time
At this moment, the thin needle has gone past a period of time
And eventually, above us the sun will surely rise

I opened both my arms to really go and swim around this small world
But making sure this time I won't smash apart the square-shaped sky

Only now, what flows unendingly is this sign of a weakness I have
Even though I only wanted to feel the heat I get from it

Crying dreamy tears that would be
So childish and immature of me
So let's flood this spontaneous empty space with some talking
In this plastic world the sun draws a perfect circle

Crying tempting tears if you got caught by them
Then before they flow much more let's say goodbye right here
No I don't want any excuses (I said, while) my back was shivering
In those slowly opening eyes the sun has surely risen

透过微笑的眼泪 看见指引方向的微风

传来你温柔的气味 和令我安心的温暖
现在 在这个有限的世界和天空的尽头
你饱含情意的双眸 想要去寻找什么?

看着如同锦缎般湛蓝的天空 星星只残留在心底
仿佛什么都听不见 什么都看不见 轻声倾诉去一切
现在 奋力打碎耀眼的过去
将歪曲的清晨 寒冷的深夜 都变成未经雕琢的宝石
如果 空虚迷惘的眼泪可以得到原谅
现在 纤细的指针继续追赶着时间
你我的头顶 也一定会有朝阳升起

对着这片方形的天空 这次一定要小心翼翼
张开双臂 畅游这个小小的世界
只有这次 我允许自己泪流不止
为了去感觉 这份代表着脆弱的热情
梦中流下的眼泪 证明我其实一直
停留在孩子的心情 怀念着年幼的时光
用自己的故事 去填充那一片突然闪过的空白
在这个塑料的国度里 亲手绘出朝阳的轮廓

在昨天与明天重合之前 轻声说出再见
止不住颤抖的背影 不需要任何解释
缓缓睁开的眼中 一定会盈满朝阳的光芒

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