Saturday, May 14, 2011

End of my Degree in Uni life

Well, 11:00am of 11/5/2011, Wednesday, that's the end of my FINAL semester examination and also the end of my Degree life. However, no one actually shout out or very excited. Why? I guess was due to the last 2 papers that actually almost "killed" all of us. Seriously, when I read the first question, it almost made my heart sunken. I was so scared that I thought I couldn't remember at all. However, I managed to cool and calm myself down, and tried to recall as hard as I can.

Here, I would want to thank a person that meant a lot to me during this semester, let the person as H (is a she). Well, she is my lecturer, and is a very YOUNG lecturer. Just since don't know when, I get quite close and good with H, and ya, we are friends too, other than lecturer-student relationship. Is all began with H has clicked "Like" and commented on one of the photo of "Bible study" album on Facebook. Then I was surprised and from that moment, we started to chat and get on well. H leaded me to express my problems, my difficulties, from the way H talked to me, I know He has sent someone that can actually share my problems and my feelings. I told H that I know I couldn't disturb and add on burdens on my friends that are having exams even though they said they are fine with that, I just know I couldn't, so H offered to be my listener. H had made some mind maps that helped us to understand well and focused on the part that we shall emphasize in. H somehow inspired me in doing mind maps for the last 2 subjects, where the notes organization is actually quite a mess, because I somehow complained that the notes are really a mess and is THICK. H said, why not just do the mind maps, it can help you to remember better, and H said that the mind maps helped a lot to get through her whole Degree life. H shared that her Masters' degree is research-based. H enjoyed a lot and mastered good techniques, this somehow like inspired me, A LOT. I actually did mind maps, and guess what, they really helped me a lot. I can remember that the answers for the questions in final exam paper is in the mind maps. I felt and experienced the benefits of mind maps, because previously, I do not trust on mind maps and mind maps are a waste of time. However, this is the first time and last time for me to experience its power...a big thanks and appreciation to H again.

A big challenge for studying for the exam in this semester, where, the weather is killing people, especially it is worse on me which I have hyperthyroidism (my metabolic rate very high, I always feel hot, and this weather worsen the symptoms that I was facing), and certain medication which side effects showed up one by one, BIG BIG CHALLENGES to me. I prayed to God and I am glad that H supported me morally. The biggest help that H ever done, maybe to some people, it is like nothing, but it meant a lot to me, on Monday, after the Plant Biochemistry paper, and of course is time for me to revise for Toxicology paper, my very last paper for my Degree. I asked H for permission to study in her house, as I know her house is actually much more cooler than my room. H agreed. When I went there, was almost 11:30pm, H let me to stay overnight at her house, and even asked me to go sleep in her room, but I, don't ask me why. I remembered we chatted a while, H was marking thesis and I was studying the last 2 chapters for the first round for Toxicology. The environment in her house is just nice and I managed to complete the first round of revision, and the facts is adsorbed better to my brain cells. This help is so so precious to me. I couldn't express more, conclusion is a BIG thanks to H. I really appreciate it. In fact, I was so touched that time. If not, I will get cooked in my own room. You can imagine that horrible weather and the productivity of revision is MUCH reduced. Without her help, I couldn't have completed my second round of revision.

I got back my marked thesis. I don't know what is the grade for my project, could I just assume that my work is appreciated and is well done?! Well, I guess everyone will think like that too. I thanked her by face for inspiration of the mind maps. Then I told her that I will bring something for her.

After I back from hometown yesterday, I was emo, in a sudden, as promised, I brought some nice food from hometown and I talked with H for almost 3 hours. Besides that, we also talked about other issues, anything that we can talk about. I was surprised that H actually talked to me about some issues that other people shouldn't have know. I appreciate the trust. You know what, everything was just a relief, I felt a lot better after talked with H. It worked every time. I also know He also did the favour to me. Thank God.

Just now, gathering with a friend, actually was a bit disappointed that the others that I really care of (juniors but also my friends) can't join. However, am glad that the friend that joined me for dinner, we always care for each other, and I know the friend is a person that is inner-directed than most of the friends. The friend said that the others agreed for this gathering but just...well, a bit "speechless" and disappointed. What I want is just a gathering, nothing much. Is not to say that I wish for return for what I did, or is it bad to ask for at least a little bit appreciation? Well, whatever. People who knows me, will know what I am trying to explain here.

I am glad that I met a lot of friends and nice though, I am glad that they came into my life, enlighten and cherished my Uni life. I will always remember this 3 years that brought a lot of memories to me.

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