Monday, May 16, 2011

During the FINAL exam

I guess everyone would have the same response in going through exam period: study, of course...what else that you can do? Well, my focus is not this, of course, I need to study, study hard indeed, but many things happened in between and I strove to get through it and I am glad that God and friends were there to support me morally and mentally.

Strove very hard during the exam period, the weather started to become very hot, it made my room like an oven, a natural sauna for almost 24/7, and it made me felt like I wanna move into the fridge to study My health condition, hyperthyroidism that caused my body temperature slightly high, well not to say high, but easily get very hot easily, the indicator is my palms are HOT, not cool or warm. Besides, the body got very hot, as though I am having fever, fine, all these I can tolerate with it, because I am used to it, just that the increased level made me a little impatient. For studies sake, I bear with it. Next as the second side effect, headache and dizziness came to strike me in a sudden and often, not because study too hard, is that the side effects of consumption of prednisolone finally showed its side effects and those tortured me a lot. Headache and dizziness when doing revision is a torture. I prayed to God that, I need a clear and peace mind to study and let the facts adsorbed to my brain cells, and of course not letting the headache and dizziness screwed up the exam. And guess what, the headache and dizziness didn't show up at the time I was sitting for exam until I finished the paper on that particular day. Third paper, also the second last paper was in 3 days time, the next day after the second paper, because of headache, sudden great pain on the neck, exactly at the thyroid glands part, I lied on bed to rest, I had no idea whether I fainted or I fall asleep, I only knew that, it was a nightmare for me that moment, woke up with no pain, however, sweat like hell (seems one of the side effects too) and the headache still stroke me a little. I told my friend...which until now, I thought that I shall not tell that out...but H knew this, as I saw her online that time, H is the one I wished to talk that time, I had no idea why. That was the worst nightmare that I ever had.

Next, during exam period, high cortisol level is normal, and it increases appetite, too, but the effect was doubled on me because of my health condition. That was the first side effect: increased appetite as a result of prednisolone. Third side effect: short of breath, I know hyperthyroidism will cause difficulty in breathing and short of breath, but it came too often. Fourth side effect, it messed up my menstrual cycle. It came much more earlier than it should be. I guess this was not that serious, because menstrual cycle can be messed up by stress too. Fifth, insomnia, for some people, they would be happy because they can keep on study, but brain is left no rest, can cause severe fatigue and reduced productivity. I had been insomnia for a few days. Damn it!!! I guess I am lazy to describe the other side effects because was not significant enough to affect me.

Every night before I slept, I prayed to the God that, no matter how bad the side effects were, I just wish to have a peace mind, and wish that the side effects won't screw up my exam, I wish to overcome it with calm heart and mind. I went through all these smoothly. Thank God and to my friends who were there to support me. I guessed I didn't cry much during that period because I knew that I was being tested and challenged my patience, and thank God that my mood doesn't being affected
, if not, the condition would get worse, even without all those side effects.

After the exam, I thought the pain will come back to strike at me even harder, well, it DOES NOT. I guess He heard my prayer that I do not wish to take prednisolone anymore? I admitted that prednisolone did helped me relieve the pain, but I couldn't deny it would bring destruction too. Seriously to say that, I had no idea and I forgotten how I gone through that tough period, but I am proud to myself and praise the Lord for all these.

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