Saturday, February 27, 2010


Exhausted in terms of physically and mostly mentally. Having some sort of crash (won't tell the reason behind the crash) between some coursemates and some friends. I mysef also facing problems recently, nobody can actually help me except myself, therefore I have no mood to talk to others, including to my coursemates. Feel exhausted physically because of this problem. Actually like in this condition, the effect somehow is better, I have no mood, my face put that very serious and cool face, nobody dare to bother and talk to me, I can concentrate in my own work. Haha...~~

Having some sort of disappointment to some people. I don't know that kind of effort would those people appreciate or not, but in those days "observed", it brings disappointment. Shall I continue to show my concern?

Finally my problem since last year gone. It just disappear like that, without I realized. In certain circumstances, because of the habit since the problem happened, I do care about that person more than the others. Well, the feeling that I let go is not coming back, is DISAPPEAR as stated just now...

I do feel exhausted...
我知道我应该重新敞开心胸去相信别人,我正在尝试中。自从那几件事情发生后,我对大部分人已失去信心,信任。不断地对别人猜疑是真的很累...I am exhausted.

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