Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Make it fixed

I have two blogs, One at MSN Live Spaces, another one is here. Well, in the beginning, these two blogs serve to publish different kinds of pieces from me. But as time goes, starts to mix up the types of pieces uploaded here. Because? Sometimes, certain piece wanna be uploaded at live spaces, but the service always lag that time. So, avoid of losing the piece ( can't save also that time, because every service is unavailable ), I paste it at blogspot. Totally mess up sometimes.

Well, get it reorganized. Live spaces is for more general idea, general feeling, crapping, nothing to hide, can be published to public, since many contacts there. Can link easily, pieces written cannot be too harsh or else. Need more gentle. Haha...swt. ( Generally )
Blogspot is more for close friends. ( former classmate, and others who I think can read it ) Pieces here are from my own sentimental feeling, opinion ( more crazy mind ), can "shoot" people, without others knowing who I am mentioning about ( haha=.=), etc...things that I don't want so many people know.( more to private but not confidential ). People who is "kaki blog" would have my blogspot address, those are not, won't have, I think.

I like to read other people's blogs too. Can keep myself update how is their life going on there. Sometimes can share some idea or opinion too.


Genieve said...


I'm want of your kaki blogger!

kjlonewolf said...

Hello there. Haha...same lo, hi, "kaki blog".