Saturday, September 20, 2008

time to be a bit relax

After studying for a few months, finally holidays comes. Well, 3 months holiday, a long holiday for me. Wondering why such a long holiday. I still don't have idea what to do yet. But part of it will be spending time with friends here. I really miss them. I miss my students. ( why suddenly feel so? )

Wanna spend some time to make self-criticism. What I have been done in these past few months? Have I really work hard and study hard? What attitude should I have for studies next year? Ya...I will take some time to look some science materials. Next year will also "touching" my favorite subject. Will go and tackle the old stuffs first. To refresh. I don't want "history" to be repeated, by my own action. Hope I will have strong determination during this holiday.

Well, of course, go relax, shopping (window-shopping ), blogging ( after been so long didn't update, because don't have such mood and vocabulary plus don't know how to express myself in better words ), read magazines, comics, watch movies, hanging out with my friends. I won't let myself go too far. Won't play and relax too much until "lost myself". Haha...don't get swt by my words.

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