Wednesday, July 23, 2008

is just a day long do not update here. I am lacking the kind of materials and inspiration for writing in here.

Today was organic chemistry mid-term test. I was regret for didn't grabbing more time for studying. My mind was flying away most of the time. I also don't know what am I thinking and why am I behaving like that. Anyway, I never give up in trying in chemistry (although I knew my result will not going to be very nice this time)A big sigh for that...sighz...

Just now back from eating somewhere else. Near the place I am staying now, Kepong. My friend following my car. Ok, there was nothing to be elaborated here. So, nothing much to say. What I can only say is we ( my friend who is staying in Kepong and I ) were laughing in the car. Reason? Haha, don't want tell you. After went there, we only found that it was too early for dinner that time. So, we went to my place there, Sri Damansara.

One of my friends that followed us called P looked very stress. Don't know what actually happened to her. It just not like herself today. P always is the most looked cheerful ones. She always laughs and smile. Hahaha, very cute, and because of when she laughs,her face will turn red, we always teased her...The friend who is in my car called C, she mentioned about the condition in P. C said if she were a guy, she will most probably go courting her. Hmm...what can I say? A good idea? A good suggestion? Maybe if I were a guy, I may consider....hahahahahaha... Ok ok, stop laughing...

We stopped at a shop to have a second round eating. Again we talked all those za-ing things and events to make P laughs. Anyway, she did. Make us felt relieved. Although... suddenly feel that don't know wanna say it out or not. But for me, if my friend happy after we were tried to cheer her/him up, I feel happy also.

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