Tuesday, October 14, 2008

no title

This few days, my body not so feeling well, no mood for doing anything. Luckily, quite fine now.

This few days, although I have something to share with, I am free enough, but just don't know why I can't blog it out. Can't write anything for starting too. I think is because of my English level don't allow me to produce it, if not it will be a terrible piece of blog.

My mind is bothering quite a lot of stuffs recently. Some stuffs because made me sick of waiting, so I throw tantrum at home and just luckily I didn't shout or scold at the person involved.

Damn boring these few days, didn't do anything much, not because I am lazy, is just that my health problem didn't allow me to do so. ( Ke Jun, enough of excuses... )

Today felt a bit suffocated ( because of being in the sulks? can't find a channel to express my depression? or weather factor? )

I am too weak to produce a good piece now. My mind still being distracted. When my mood back to normal, I will write a better piece, can describe more and maybe more lively.

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