Monday, July 30, 2007

damn it!

"Pucandi", in Indian version,(I got it from my friend, they put the initial for the person I mentioned here.) Let the person be P though I mentioned Pucandi above.

We supposed to finish the bio worksheets that teacher had asked to. I finished it. And I actually knew that P also finish it. But later P took one of the friends' worksheet to compare, I knew what P wanna do. P wanna compare the answer, if P is right for the answer, P can show off, boasting here and there. Really feel disgusting for P's act. P is sitting beside me, so I feel tensioned. You all may say that I can just ignore P. But P really gone too far. Boasting until the other friends there.
The other incident, we were having Pengajian Am period that moment, my friend behind me asked P whether P can contribute some points for the essay topic. P said that he is very weak in PA, (though he is the highest->so what?, very clever and great) asked my friend don't need to ask him. I felt this really annoying. And you knew what P continue said? P said:"Sometimes need to be humble and fake (direct chinese translation).And you think we are stupid?Don't know what you actually want to say and try to figure out what you actually want to mean? Really damn it.

P always think that he is very great. Although we as friends tolerate with his annoying behaviour and trying to boikot him also, but he seems didn't realised his own mistake, mayube he thinks that he is very great, no harm and no fault showing off. And if so, why don't others that have same ability as you does not do that?

And ,don't ever think that you are very nice at look and always say that other people is childish, the point is we observed that you are the one who behave just like a small kid, acting innocent there, but with the annoying behaviour.

Please think, before you lose your friends surrouding you.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Where have you gone?

you used to be;
why are you now becoming
so playful now?
Are you ok?
you seems acting crazy.
It's not yourself.
You are a person that
talk and will do it.
Why you becoming the other way?
You are quite a cheerful before,
but now through your conversation with you,
you seems changed...

Thursday, July 19, 2007







Saturday, July 14, 2007

??lost patience??

2 days before, suddenly I "found volcano is erupting", which is myself had bad temper. And? What happened was I just release and spread my bad temper like that. But , luckily was I did not put my impatience and anger directly to my friends. Just to non-living things. Maybe is the hormonal change,make it have a rise and drop of particular hormone. Haha, I hope this won't last long, if not, I myself and friends will suffer.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


I dunno whether I m unfortunate or they r so unconsiderable. My classmates r very very very unconsiderable. When teacher is not around, we as students dat going 2 hv important exam shud study quietly. But d condition is opposite. They r making noise there. So, sometimes I hope ppl who like 2 make noise absent. Esp in dis kind of period, many ppl need a quiet environment 2 study n revise, and not disturb by those jerk n rascals. I kno there r a few ppl who running d organisation, which means when those present, dat group of ppl would b very noisy, and also mean dat he/she is d leader of noise maker.

Moreover, the group dat I feel annoying n had insulted me bring poker 2 play n also emsembled frenz 2 chat. Chat is not wrong, but not in a big volume.

Today, d leader of noise maker is absent, d group suddenly seems very quiet, but d vice leader is present so, there is oso a bit noise. But d power is very weak. Ha. But I stil feel unsatisfied wif a group. Dat group of ppl can talk non-stop from they enter clas until finish studying session. OMG?! D noise is ............. moreover they r oso very unconsiderable 4 didn't care bout d students who want 2 study. Jerks! GTH!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


On Friday, after recess was Maths period. I dunno y suddenly I felt so tired, n I fall asleep. I felt sorry 2 teacher. Ahh,,,, past...
In d afternoon, I had chinese POL class. In d halk way, I fall asleep again. Wat was d problem? Then in d tuition, again....-.-
At nite, I had stomachache......until I cant concentrate well in studies. Really zadao! Then sleep again.

The day after dat (Saturday), our sch had 'gotong-royong', everybody busy in their work. But some person, I dunno wat r their function in d class. They were doing nth. Actually dis is d good chance I can 'put' revenge on them... I stil need 2 find a rite time...Who asked them 2 insulted me? They asked 4 it. Later went 2 out 2 hv sth 2 eat. Imagine I went out wif d gang dat I felt annoying. U can imagine how fake I faced them...Went home, after reading newspaper, I fall asleep, until I missed d lunch. I slept 4 three hours. Walao...?! At nite, my energy stil enuf...

On Sunday, today, in d morning, I slept more than study, again, wats d problem? In d afternoon, I din fall asleep. In d nite, I wished 2 hv sufficient energy 2 finish wat I planned.