Friday, November 23, 2012

I am back!

Want to say sorry to my blog for abandoned it, almost one year. Have been too busy to update it. Many things to share, but no time to share it here. Blog used to be my place to rant my feelings, complains, so called secret, inner feelings, hidden feelings. 

Well, this year, suddenly become a IGCSE Maths teacher. Then during mid year, Biology and Chemistry. Then half way, if not mistaken, principal and my colleague said the students and the parents requested me back to guide them Maths, but I have to let go Biology. (When I shared this news with my friend, she told me her experience during her school time, I suddenly felt I am so 大牌, until principal had to change her instructions to ask me teach Maths, sorry...paiseh betul. Think in another way, does this mean the students agree and like my teaching method?) Continue to guide them Maths, seriously, I tell you, NOT easy, very hard. With that kind of basics, with that kind of sick attitude, how to excel in Maths? You will hear all sorts of excuses, totally pissed you off. Chemistry teaching is okay, after all, this subject is a new thing to them. Certain students kinda "give me face", sit at the first row to listen to me. I felt kinda happy. Sorry to say something that is very distracting, I admit that I am "airport", the student who sits in front of me is physically matured than me, ya, you see nothing wrong here, so, you would "ternampak" the cleavage...I was like...=.= So distracting. I was telling myself, LUCKILY I am not a lesbian, not a guy, if not, how am I continue to teach, facing the student; however, I still try not to stand in front of the student, I felt paiseh...LOL
As an overall, my students can get along with me quite well, can laugh and fooling around with me (of course they pick the right mood of mine that time). Comments to me are mainly I am very  scary, change mood very fast, face looked very fierce. I guess you all know the reason they can get along with me well, because I looked young. Hahaha!!! In fact, no one know my age yet. Of course they cannot know. Chaos Sometimes, I guess, because I looked young, and some of the topics still fit in their conversation, so they like to talk and chat with me. 

The best experience is, a student, after knowing the Chemistry, she so scared she failed and said sorry to me, but I happily told her that she passed and got the second highest in class. She thanked me so many times for my good teaching. You know what, that is the best consolation I got, was suffering from the disappointment from the results. Well, now I think I shall get used to this kind of results, there are so many types of people in the world, but with that kind of sick learning attitude, seriously, I couldn't expect too much from them. And one of my students' parent told me that her child gain confidence in Chemistry, which is another achievement to me. 

Well, I guess I shall stop here, about school stuffs. Am continue with other stuffs in another post.