Friday, February 20, 2009

I am speechless for this

Today, my friend told me a big issue. A shocked ones and enough to make me feel speechless.
She told me that a friend of us told my friends in my group, ( the friend mentioned is from different group of practical, some more different tutor for different group ) that I taught the wrong thing. Their tutor said the calculation I guided them for the first experiment is wrong. She told them very loudly in blaming tone. She blamed me. I am not there that time, if not she won't dare to say so loud.

My friend, let her be S, before telling the issue, she asked me not to angry after knowing this. She said that time the friend who blamed me ( let her be M ) told this very loud. S heard. She felt very not worth for me and angry when M said so about this issue. She said she and her friends who has guided by me won't blame me for this. She said I had guided and helped them so much. If not me, they have been lost. Wah, feel touched. I feel paiseh la when she said that to me. Anyway, I am happy to know many people appreciate my help.

What can I say about this? Angry? I thought I will angry, but NO! But speechless, a terrible ones. I put in effort in searching information and tried my best in doing my best for my own report and help others if they asked to. What I get is this? I don't mind if others don't want accept the help or my points, but just please respect other people's effort. Stand in other people's shoes and think. I just feel very speechless.

I am ok now.