Friday, May 23, 2008

students' results

Before I quit my job as teacher, I had marked almost all the test papers and discussed some of the papers. Overall, their results were quite acceptable. I can see the joyfulness on students' face when they scored higher than before. Me? Of course I will feel the happiness and the satisfaction as a teacher. The science papers that I set harder than the first time's, so no one in my class got 100 marks. When I set the papers, because I was in the condition like being forced as I was busy with choir stuffs and need to set so many papers somemore. Really damn it. So, I told myself, I will set the questions until no one get 100 marks. ( abnormal thoughts ). Lastly my wish was realized. Haha...=_= Anyway, the questions that I set can make students learn. As long as they listen to and understand my teaching, they can do well.

Those students that I expected can do well didn't make me disappointed. The highest achiever in my science subject still maintain her position, with 97 marks as the highest in the class ( Standard 2 ). The students that failed last time pass this time and score higher than I expected. I praised those who improved in my classes. I felt happy when students got improved.
Some of the students whom I taught them BM improved. They asked me don't leave and said that I am a very good teacher. I was so warmed that time. Students from that class, I always scold, beat and advice them, in fact I talked and scolded too much than I should, I put my biggest effort on them. I am glad that they appreciated. As teacher I only ask for students' appreciation by achieving good results and try their best in studying and not give up. Some students gave me presents on Teacher's Day, which on the card written "I love you, teacher". What I felt was terribly "cold", I never thought students will wrote this to me.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

mental "disturbance"


Friday, May 16, 2008

Happy Teacher's Day

16/5,Wish all the teachers Happy Teacher's Day and myself too. ( 不要睬我,我快要神经了 )

Today is my last day of teaching. So I leave after celebrating Teacher's Day. A lot of activities were organized. I received a lot of presents? Because I need to leave? Or is just a kind of appreciation for me for teaching them?
Every teacher and staffs receive a cake, just like birthday cake. Quite big, teachers were called to come out to the stage to receive it. On the while of receiving, students were shouting and cheering there. Before this, I told my students that I will leave today...( this must be told because I cannot be so unprofessional and irresponsible by leaving not inform them-ok ok, a bit cold`` ). When my name is called, many students cheered. Wow, I never know that I am so welcomed among those teachers.

My friend fetched me today. Because she was a bit late that time, so I arrived school later than usual, haven't late for the schooling time.

When I went to my seat, WAH, so many presents and cards. Actually what I wanted from them is they are obedient and pay attention in studies, don't always make teachers angry. A teacher got many flowers like after organizing a concert. Anyway, she is good though. After that, activities were going on. On the while of waiting for the programmes, I received many flowers, cards and presents. Before Teacher's Day, I also received some presents-one of them is the most shocked-a carnation. What is meant by that? I never thought I will receive this flower. The student give me the wrong flower? Anyway, the student who is a she quite good and always pay attention in my teaching. Actually I also don't know whether my teaching is good, they can "admire" me like this...( 又冷``` ) And I was asked to write on their autograph book.

Then teachers had "pok luck",many food to eat. I was asked to eat more...(because I can eat a lot), ok la, quite a lot I eat. My classes all packed at behind. Anyway, I just want to distribute back the exam papers, so not much teaching here. I can't teach and explain much because the students came and 轰炸 me like they always do.
I can't continue my discussion for the exam papers. Then this last day I let them relaz a bit, not as serious as before. Can chat, play... A student asked me why I do not smile and laugh in teaching am I supposed to answer this? 这个问题没有答案的咯,拜托,不要问这样的问题...

The worst of all, I haven't finish marking all the test papers. You know, I will of course finish all the things before I leave for further studies.

At night, we teachers attended a dinner at Ming Kok Restaurant. Every teacher have a glass of wine. Wow, I drank until my face was red that time. I didn't eat a lot because chat with my new friend. This one nothing to say no need elaborate here.

Thanks for all the colleagues and students who giving me a wonderful Teacher's Day. All the while I as student celebrate Teacher's Day with friends for teachers. Now is students celebrate for me who being as teacher. Will appreciate this feeling.